04. Extracurricular Topics

Extracurricular Topics

You do not have to go through any of this extracurricular material; these lessons are just a collection of supporting material and resources.

As success in this program relies on pre-existing knowledge in a number of topics, you can find courses on these topics linked in the extracurriculars of this program. Specifically, you can find the following courses:

  • Prerequisite: Python for Data Analysis
  • Prerequisite: SQL
  • Prerequisite: Command Line Essentials
  • Prerequisite: Git & Github

Please use these courses to refresh your knowledge on any of these areas as you feel is necessary! The courses in the regular classroom are intended to prepare you for the projects, but a little refresher never hurts.

Additional Material

We've also included additional material with specific areas of focus that are not required for this program, but may include skills that pique your curiosity or help distinguish you from other machine learning specialists (if you plan to pursue a new career). If you'd like to do a deeper dive into these math and programming concepts, we've included the following additional sections for exploration:

  • Additional Material: Data Visualization
  • Additional Material: Practical Statistics
  • Additional Material: Linear Algebra

You can find all of these course in the Extracurricular section of the classroom navigation screen. By clicking the arrow on the top left of this page, you should be able to scroll to the bottom of your classroom and reproduce the list of courses below.

Extracurricular section

Extracurricular section